After a long break from Planetcide, and my game writing in general I have returned full force to conquer the stars once again! Having aqquired some Spaceship molds from a Germany manufacturer of molds called "Troll Factory" I am going full light-speed into the second wave of Planet-killing. These molds produce rather dinky little "Raumschiff" which are practically perfect for Planetcide. A new basing standard is also being adopted, the 8cm x 8cm Octagon which is both easy to snip from stiff cardboard, and will also 3d print nicely for those so inclined. The Picture in this post demonstrates this new standard of Basing for Planetcide. It also means if you are using the official Punkin' Figs ships from regular scaled Ortus Novae: Space then you can simply use the octagon as a movement tray for 2 or 3 of them making them compatible in both games! These particular bases were originally going to be just black, but I pasted a bit of printed paper with a space patte...