Planetcide is a fan made expansion for Punkinfig's Ortus Novae set of rules with a few modifications. I have found Ortus Novae not only to be brilliant as a lightning fast mass battle standalone game but also perfect for expanding upon. The game is built upon Ortus Novae rather than Ortus Novae space so keep this in mind when reading the rules! Fleets: These are represented by at least 2 ships on one stand, the stand base should not exceed 40mm. Their Die Scale can be anywhere from d4 to d8. Their speed however is not dictated by the Die Scale and is instead a flat 7 Inches. Megaships: These are represented by a single ship on one stand (not exceeding 50mm) These are for things like armoured space stations and "Super" space battleships. Their Die Scale can be anywhere from d4 to d10 and like with Fleets their speed is a flat 7 inches. Megaships also roll two of their Die Scale dice instead of one and pick the highest result. If Fleets or Megaships move within 1 inch of...